Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Blog Has Moved to

Hi All,

Please note that our Bikers 4 Obama blog has moved to

Please visit us at our new blog today!


Bikers 4 Obama

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Colin Powell to Endorse Obama?

The Huffington Post is reporting that Colin Powell will likely endorse Obama soon.

I think Powell would be a great addition to the Obama camp. Obama has already made it clear he plans to have both Republicans and Democrats in his White House cabinet. A great way to balance perspectives!

Straight from

"Powell probably will enter Obama's camp at a time of his own choosing... Powell praised Obama back in February, saying, "Mr. Obama has done an incredible job . . . He has energized a lot of people in America. He has energized a lot of people around the world." Some have even suggested Obama pick Powell as his VP."

Timeline of Barack Obama

I ran across this really cool Timeline of Barack Obama on Obama's official website ( Please share it with your friends.

Start your own timeline at

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obama's 50 State Strategy: Target Bush states

Obama's campaign manager, David Ploufee, unveiled to reporters in Washington, DC yesterday the Obama campaign's unique and aggressive 50 state strategy. The key factors that can make Obama's strategy a reality include - massive voter identification, registration and turnout efforts, fueled by grassroots support in every state.

"Barack Obama will focus his resources largely in 14 states George W. Bush won in 2004, his chief field operative said Tuesday, hoping to score upsets in places such as Virginia, Indiana and Georgia.
For far too long, both Democrats and Republicans have made little attempt to change the electorate map as we know it. Our "seasoned" politicians have become much too complacent.

Obama is changing the game, and terrorizing Republicans at the same time. In addition to key battleground states for dems, Obama plans to target Republican strongholds in an attempt to turn several RED states BLUE. He is not taking any states for granted.
He is targeting states that Democrats before him never considered. He is targeting Georgia (my birth state!) and other southern states that have gone Republican in every presidential election since my birth!

There is also a little known secret in these southern states...UNREGISTERED African American voters. Georgia alone has nearly 600,000 unregistered African American voters. Even a modest increase in turnout amongst this demographic may be enough to help Obama take Georgia, the longheld Republic stronghold.
But winning the White House won’t be his only goal, deputy campaign manager Steve Hildebrand told Politico: In an unusual move, Obama’s campaign will also devote some resources to states it’s unlikely to win, with the goal of influencing specific local contests in places such as Texas and Wyoming... Texas is a great example where we might not be able to win the state, but we want to pay a lot of attention to it,” Hildebrand said. “It’s one of the most important redistricting opportunities in the country.”
Can Obama pull this off? Absolutely! He has the momentum he needs!

The recent LA Times poll revealed...
"Even among voters who said they planned to vote for McCain, more than half said they were 'not enthusiastic' about their chosen candidate; 45% said they were enthusiastic. By contrast, 81% of Obama voters said they were enthusiastic, and almost half called themselves 'very enthusiastic,' a level of zeal found in 13% of McCain's supporters."

New LA Times Poll: Obama with Double-Digit Lead!

LA Times released a new poll this morning that shows Obama with a double-digit 12% lead over John McCain. This is days after the Newsweek Poll revealed a 15% lead for Obama.

"McCain suffers from a pronounced "passion gap," especially among conservatives who usually give Republican candidates a reliable base of support. Among voters who described themselves as conservative, 58% said they would vote for McCain; 15% said they would vote for Obama, 14% said they would vote for someone else, and 13% said they were undecided. By contrast, 79% of voters who described themselves as liberal said they planned to vote for Obama...

Even among voters who said they planned to vote for McCain, more than half said they were "not enthusiastic" about their chosen candidate; 45% said they were enthusiastic. By contrast, 81% of Obama voters said they were enthusiastic, and almost half called themselves "very enthusiastic," a level of zeal found in 13% of McCain's supporters...

Among white voters, Obama and McCain are each at 39%, the poll found. Earlier this year, when Obama ran behind Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) among whites in some primary elections, analysts questioned whether the African American senator could win white voters in the general election.

But the great majority of Clinton voters have transferred their allegiance to Obama, the poll found, with 11% of Clinton voters defecting to McCain..."


Obama graces Rollingstone Cover AGAIN!

YES, you heard me correctly...Obama graces the cover of Rollingstone Magazine AGAIN. That makes twice in the last few months. Is it the rock star appeal?

Here's what Huffington Post is reporting...

WASHINGTON — Bob Dylan. Yo-Yo Ma. Sheryl Crow. Jay-Z. These aren't musical acts in a summer concert series: They're artists featured on Barack Obama's iPod.

"I have pretty eclectic tastes," the Democratic presidential contender said in an interview to be published in Friday's issue of Rolling Stone.

Growing up in the '70s, Obama said, he listened to the Rolling Stones, Elton John and Earth, Wind & Fire. Stevie Wonder is his musical hero from the era. The Stones' "Gimme Shelter" tops his favorites from the band.

The Illinois senator's playlist contains these musicians, along with about 30 songs from Dylan and the singer's "Blood on the Tracks" album. Jazz legends Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Charlie Parker are also in the mix.

"Actually, one of my favorites during the political season is 'Maggie's Farm,'" Obama said of one of Dylan's tracks. "It speaks to me as I listen to some of the political rhetoric."

In the song, Dylan sings about trying be himself, "but everybody wants you to be just like them."

Several musicians on Obama's iPod support his bid for the White House, including Bruce Springsteen. Earlier this month, Dylan told a British newspaper that he believes Obama is redefining politics in the United States and could deliver change to a nation in upheaval.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Obama's Thoughts on Hip Hop

We ran across a great video from Hip Hop for Obama's myspace page. Thanks Jin! Your stuff is always on point!

I want to share this video with our readers. I love the entire video, but I want to specifically ask our readers to pay particular attention to what Obama says at marker 4:30 when he gives his thoughts on Hip Hop.

"The question is, what's the content, what's the message...I understand folks want to be rooted in the community, and they want to be down. What I always say is, is that, hip hop is not just a mirror of what is, it should also be a reflection of what can be...

Imagine something different. Imagine communities that aren’t torn up by violence. Imagine that we’re respecting our women. Imagine communities where knowledge and reading and academic excellence are valued, communities where fathers are doing right by their kids.

Art can’t just be a rearview mirror. It should have a headlight on there pointing to where we need to go." - Barack Obama

To view video click here

New Newsweek Poll: Obama Leads McCain by 15 points!

A new Newsweek poll released on Friday, June 20th shows Obama with a substantial double digit lead over John McCain...51 percent to 36 percent!

"Obama's current lead reflects the large party-identification advantage the Democrats now enjoy—55 percent of all voters call themselves Democrats or say they lean toward the party while just 36 percent call themselves Republicans or lean that way. Even as McCain seeks to gain voters by distancing himself from the unpopular Bush and emphasizing his maverick image, he is suffering from the GOP's poor reputation among many voters. Still, history provides hope for the GOP..."

Hollywood Loves Obama

Obama will host a fundraiser in Hollywood tonight. Here's what Huffington Post is reporting...

"The Los Angeles event comes just days after Obama spurned the public financing system for the general election, opening the way for him to raise and spend hundreds of millions of dollars after the Denver convention in a race in which he's already broken fundraising records...

Top tickets are priced at more than $30,000, with the money divided between the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee...

Barack Obama's gala fundraiser Tuesday will attract the mandatory lineup of big-screen talent and boldface names - actors Samuel L. Jackson and Dennis Quaid, model Cindy Crawford and boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard - and confirm again that the entertainment industry remains one of the most reliable and abundant sources of Democratic campaign cash...

While wealthy celebrities often lavish money on multiple candidates, Obama's donors already include Will Smith, George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston, Leonard Nimoy and singer Harry Connick Jr. Oprah Winfrey's fundraiser for Obama at her Santa Barbara-area estate was one of the biggest events of the primary season, helping cement Obama's position as a credible challenger to Clinton..."


Obama speaks to Campaign Staff and Volunteers

A few days after he became the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack spoke to campaign staff and volunteers at our headquarters in Chicago.

He reminded us of the challenges we face -- and that our fellow Americans are counting on our success. The stakes in this election couldn't be higher.

View Obama's speech here. Make a donation while you're at it!


Obama camp's response to Charlie Black's statement

The Obama camp released a statement in response to Charlie Black's comments to Fortune Magazine.

"Barack Obama welcomes a debate about terrorism with John McCain, who has fully supported the Bush policies that have taken our eye off of al Qaeda, failed to bring Osama bin Laden to justice, and made us less safe. The fact that John McCain's top advisor says that a terrorist attack on American soil would be a 'big advantage' for their political campaign is a complete disgrace, and is exactly the kind of politics that needs to change. Barack Obama will turn the page on these failed policies and this cynical and divisive brand of politics so that we can unite this nation around a common purpose to finish the fight against al Qaeda," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

McCain's advisor reveals the Republicans' playbook...

A senior advisor for John McCain, Charlie Black, made a disgraceful statement to Fortune Magazine...

Fortune Magazine is running a profile on John McCain titled, "The evolution of John McCain." McCain's chief advisor, Charlie Black, is interviewed in the piece. Below is a choice quote from Black on why he thinks another terrorist attack on US soil would help McCain win the presidency.

On national security McCain wins. We saw how that might play out early in the campaign, when one good scare, one timely reminder of the chaos lurking in the world, probably saved McCain in New Hampshire, a state he had to win to save his candidacy - this according to McCain's chief strategist, Charlie Black. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December was an "unfortunate event," says Black. "But his knowledge and ability to talk about it reemphasized that this is the guy who's ready to be Commander-in-Chief. And it helped us." As would, Black concedes with startling candor after we raise the issue, another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him," says Black.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kim Kardashian Supports Obama

McCain: "I didn't love America until I was deprived of her company."

Verdict with Dan Abrams on MSNBC dropped a bombshell on McCain last night! He has uncovered videos of John McCain stating, on more than one occasion, "I really didn't love America until I was deprived of her company."

This is after McCain's camp has attacked Michelle Obama repeatedly for making a similar statement, "For the first time in my life, I really am proud of my country." Seems like the pot is calling the kettle black.

I actually believe McCain's comment is much worse than Michelle's in that it implies he didn't love his country at all, even upon entering the military; it wasn't until he returned to the US as a POW that he fell in love with her (AMERICA). How ironic...

I honestly believe Michelle meant to say "I am more proud of my country." But that's just my opinion. What's yours?

Obama's First General Election Ad

Obama launches his first general election ad, Country I Love, in 18 states, including states that democrats have ignored for years!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

NBA Star Chancey Billups backs Obama

Chancey Billups of the Detroit Pistons speaks on behalf of Obama at the Al Gore endorsement event. Billups stressed the importance of GETTING OUT THE VOTE, among other things.

Obama launches Fight the

Unlike Democrats before him, Obama is going all out to protect himself from a swift boating. He is using his newly launched website, Fight the Smears, to fights the many lies circulating the web about him and Michelle Obama.

So, if ever in doubt about something, please take a moment and visit this site.

The Obamas on the cover of US Weekly Mag

For the first time ever, US Weekly features a presidential candidate and spouse on their cover. The Obamas have rock star appeal!

New Swing State Poll

The Quinnipac Poll released on yesterday, June 18th, evidences an increase of support in for Obama amongst women, blacks and younger voters. Barack Obama leads John McCain among likely voters in FLORIDA, OHIO and PENNSYLVANIA, according to simultaneous Quinnipiac University Swing State polls released today.

This is the first time Obama has led in all three of these states. No one has been elected President since 1960 without taking two of these three largest swing states in the Electoral College.

The results of the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University polls show:

FLORIDA: Obama edges McCain 47 – 43 percent
OHIO: Obama tops McCain 48 – 42 percent
PENNSYLVANIA: Obama leads McCain 52 – 40 percent

Source: Quinnipac University Swing State Poll

Important Announcement from Barack Obama

Obama has made one of the best general election decisions. Obama announces he has decided to opt-out of the Public Fundraising system.

The Obama campaign sent out this email yesterday morning...

Friend --

Barack Obama recorded a video message with an important announcement that he wanted you to hear first. We have made a crucial decision that will impact how we compete in the general election, and it's important that you understand the decision, its implications, and the challenge ahead.

Please take a moment to watch the video.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama's Father Day Speech 08

Barack celebrated Father's Day by speaking at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago. He began by quoting the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus closes by saying, “Whoever hears these words of mine, and does them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house upon a rock.”

He addressed MIA fathers in the African-American community, as well as the prevalence of single parenthood.

Al Gore's Endorsement Speech

I've listened to the pundits say that the Gore endorsement is too late, meaningless, etc. Call it what you want. However, I think it's another brilliant move by Obama. The timing and venue (Michigan) could not have been better.

Gore is a constant reminder to Democrats that every vote counts, and how the American people can be cheated out of an election. Not this time!

How it all started!

Al Gore will endorse Obama at 8pm tonight

Dear Friend,

A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.

Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges -- including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.
This moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Biggest Rally Of Them All.

Here is the video of a rally held by Barak Obama held in Portland, Oregon. 75,000 Strong

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Obama clinches the Democratic nomination!

Barack Obama, the 46 year old senator from Illinois, clinches the Democratic nomination. Obama is the first African-American to be nominated by the democratic party!

Wow, the power of one word, HOPE and faith! Just five months ago, most of America knew very little about Barack Obama. I can recall numerous conversations with people who assured me America wasn't ready for a guy named Obama.

I can now look at my beautiful brown babies and assure them that their choices are endless here in America

Please take a moment to review Obama's victory speech below. You would not assume from Obama's speech that he made history tonight. His entire victory speech was dedicated to US, not to him. He didn't even acknowledge his huge accomplishment as the first African American nominee; instead, he focused on America and reminded us all that this campaign is about US, not HIM. Graceful.

What a huge difference from Clinton's speech, which she dedicated to herself and her inadequate campaign accomplishments.

Barack Obama = Unity and Grace

Hillary Clinton = Sore-loser

Friday, May 9, 2008

Superdelegate Rick Larsen (D-WA) endorses Obama!

The Associated Press is reporting that Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA) has endorsed Barack Obama for President. Senator Obama now needs just 167 delegates to secure the nomination...

"WASHINGTON -- Rep. Rick Larsen said Thursday that he is endorsing Barack Obama for president. Larsen, a four-term Democrat who represents Everett, Bellingham and other areas north of Seattle, said Obama was "the best candidate to turn our best hopes for a better future into reality."

Obama's performance this week in primaries in North Carolina and Indiana show "he can take a pounding and come back strong to deliver his message of hope and change. He is tough as nails," Larsen said.

Larsen joins at least four other Washington "superdelegates" who have endorsed the Illinois senator: Gov. Chris Gregoire; Reps. Adam Smith and Brian Baird, his state chairman; and Pat Notter, a member of the Democratic National Committee."

Nancy Pelosi ditches her schedule to greet Obama

CBS reports that Speaker Nancy Pelosi jumped out of her weekly press briefing to greet Senator Obama during his visit to the House of Reps.

Sen. Barack Obama stepped into a swarm of superdelegates yesterday morning when he visited the House of Representatives in the middle of a vote. Obama stayed on the floor for almost half an hour visiting with both Democrats and Republicans who looked completely star struck.

Even Speaker Nancy Pelosi left her weekly press briefing and made a beeline for the House floor to say hello. And the Capitol Hill press corps surrounded the House Chamber to catch him on his way out and fire questions about such an unusual move for a presidential candidate, even if he is a senator.

Obama gains 2 more Superdelegates!

It seems the floodgates are beginning to open. We are seeing a steady flow of superdelegates throwing their support Obama...FINALLY, this primary is coming to an end!!

"The movement of Democratic superdelegates to presidential hopeful Barack Obama gained steam Friday, with endorsements expected from two more congressmen.

Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said the Illinois senator plans to receive the endorsement of Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon an event Friday in his homestate. Oregon holds it's primary on May 20.
In New Jersey, Donald Payne—a black congressman who had been backing Clinton for the nomination—is switching his support to Obama, Pfeiffer confirmed.

"After careful consideration, I have reached the conclusion that Barack Obama can best bring about the change that our country so desperately wants and needs," Payne told The Star-Ledger in Newark, N.J. It was "one of the most difficult decisions I have made," Payne said. "I've really been mulling it over for quite a while."


Wall Street Journal: Damsel of Distress

Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal speaks out about
Clinton's latest statement to USA Today.

"This is an amazing story. The Democratic Party has a winner. It has a ominee. You know this because he has the most votes and the most elected delegates, and there's no way, mathematically, his opponent can get past him. Even after the worst two weeks of his campaign, he blew past her by 14 in North Carolina and came within two in Indiana.

He's got this thing. And the Democratic Party, after this long and brutal slog, should be dancing
in the streets. Party elders should be coming out on the balcony in full array, in full regalia, and telling the crowd, "Habemus
nominatum": "We have a nominee." And the crowd below should be cheering, "Viva Obamus! Viva nominatum!"

Instead, you know where they are, the party elders..."

Read Peggy's entire article...

Clinton plays the race card AGAIN

I ran across a great article written by Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post today. It discusses Hillary's latest statement to USA Today, in which she basically implies that Obama, as a black man, cannot secure her base of delusional, "hardworking white" supporters. She completely dismisses the importance of the black vote, which is the democratic party's most loyal group of constituents.

If Clinton believes this new argument will help her take the nomination away from Obama, she is sadly mistaken. And more importantly, if the democratic party believes they can somehow take the nomination away from Obama (who is leading in pledged delegates, leading in the popular vote, and has won twice as many states as Clinton) and still have the support of African Americans, they are sadly mistaken.

With that said, here's a little of what Eugene has to say on this topic...

"From the beginning, Hillary Clinton has campaigned as if the Democratic nomination were hers by divine right. That's why she is falling short -- and that's why she should be persuaded to quit now, rather than later, before her majestic sense of entitlement splits the party along racial lines...

If that sounds harsh, look at the argument she made Wednesday, in an interview with USA Today, as to why she should be the nominee instead of Barack Obama. She cited an Associated Press article "that found how Senator Obama's support . . . among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again. I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on."

As a statement of fact, that's debatable at best. As a rationale for why Democratic Party superdelegates should pick her over Obama, it's a slap in the face to the party's most loyal constituency -- African Americans -- and a repudiation of principles the party claims to stand for. Here's what she's really saying to party leaders: There's no way that white people are going to vote for the black guy. Come November, you'll be sorry."

Read Eugene Robinson's entire article here...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Superdelegate Brad Miller (D-NC) endorses Obama!

Obama gains another superdelegate...

Congressman Miller said, “Senator Obama understands that he has the chance not just to win the election this year, but to be a great president. Americans know that Republican policies have failed because their ideas are wrong. Americans know that our government has not acted, to use Franklin Roosevelt’s words, as trustees for the whole people, but have taken the side of powerful economic interests on every issue. Americans want a fundamental change in course. Senator Obama has seized that opportunity...

“If Senator Obama and Democratic candidates up and down the ticket win this year and then deliver next year, we can build a consensus that will last a generation..."

Senator Obama said, “We are grateful today for Congressman Brad Miller’s support. In this time of economic turmoil, Congressman Miller has shown real leadership in fighting to crack down on predatory lenders and provide relief for struggling homeowners. Our campaign was fortunate to have record numbers of voters turn out to support our movement for change this week in North Carolina, and I’m proud to have Congressman Miller’s support as we continue this fight to bring about real change for families across the country.”
Read more here...

Toni Morrison speaks about Clinton and Obama

In a recent issue of TIME magazine, Toni Morrison was asked 10 questions, two of which relating to Clinton and Obama. Here's what she had to say...

Do you regret referring to Bill Clinton as the first black President?
"People misunderstood that phrase. I was deploring the way in which President Clinton was being treated, vis-à-vis the sex scandal that was surrounding him. I said he was being treated like a black on the street, already guilty, already a perp. I have no idea what his real instincts are, in terms of race."

Why did you endorse Barack Obama for the presidency?
"I thought about voting for Hillary at the beginning. I don't care that she is a woman. I need more than that. Neither his race, his gender, her race or her gender was enough. I needed something else, and the something else was his wisdom."

Read more

Clinton plans to drop out by June 15th??

Lawrence O'Donnell of the Huffington Post is reporting the following...

"A senior campaign official and Clinton confidante has told me that there will be a Democratic nominee by June 15. He could not bring himself to say the words "Hillary will drop out by June 15," but that is clearly what he meant. I kept saying, "So, Hillary will drop out by June 15," and he kept saying, "We will have a nominee by June 15." He stressed what a reasonable person Hillary is...

Everything about our conversation implied that he had already had this reality-based discussion with Hillary. He said the Clinton campaign plan is to collect as many votes and delegates as they can right through June 3, then take no more than a week or so to make their case to the superdelegates. Nothing he said indicated that he actually expected the superdelegates to move to Hillary in the week after the final election. The Clinton campaign has not lost its grip on reality. Yes, Clinton spokespersons publicly seem to be lost on gravity-free planet Clinton, but privately they know the end is near."

Read more on Huffington Post

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Obama picks up 4 Superdelegates!!

The Associated Press is reporting...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama pocketed the support of at least four Democratic convention superdelegates on Wednesday, May 7th building on the momentum from a convincing North Carolina primary victory. Rival Hillary Rodham Clinton disclosed she had loaned her strapped campaign an additional $6.4 million in recent weeks.

Clinton showed no sign of surrender in the presidential race, but former Sen. George McGovern, the party's 1972 presidential candidate, urged her to reconsider.

Obama was at home in Chicago during the day as his aides spread word that he would soon begin campaigning in states likely to be pivotal in the fall campaign. They also relayed word of the four endorsements, expected to be made public later in the day. Both disclosures were meant to signal fresh confidence that the nomination was quickly coming into his possession after a grueling marathon across 15 months and nearly all 50 states...

Read more from

Clinton backer asks her to step down

Former Sen. Gorge McGovern, an early supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, urged her to drop out of the Democratic presidential race and endorsed her rival, Barack Obama.

After watching the returns from the North Carolina and Indiana primaries Tuesday night, McGovern said Wednesday it's virtually impossible for Clinton to win the nomination. The 1972 Democratic presidential nominee said he had a call in to former President Clinton to tell him of the decision, adding that he remains close friends with the Clintons.

"I will hold them in affection and admiration all of my days," he said of the Clintons.

McGovern's announcement comes a day before Clinton was scheduled to travel to South Dakota to campaign. The state holds its primary June 3 with 15 pledged delegates at stake.

Obama reaches 1.5 million donors!!

1.5 million people have donated to Obama's campaign.

According to Andrew Sullivan,

No one has ever come close to this in history. And it was done by the Internet, destroying the power of major donors to control a candidate, empowering so many to make a difference and altering the face of campaign finance for ever. And yet the Democrats are seriously considering rebuking this astonishing achievement in favor of an old nepotistic pol whose campaign, when it hasn't been incompetent and complacent, has been straight from the Rove playbook

Source: Why We Need Obama blog

Clinton's broke again, loans campaign $6.4 million

The AP reports:

"A campaign aide says Hillary Rodham Clinton loaned herself $6.4 million in the past month."

That sum means the campaign is fairly clearly into Bill Clinton's earnings, in theory making it more difficult to avoid questions about the source of his income. The last loan, Clinton's aides said, was drawn from Hillary's book earnings.

Though these are techically loans, these are very difficult to repay, as they must be paid from primary funds. There's some speculation this morning that Obama could help Clinton retire debt, possibly including the campaign's debt to her.


Obama in NC on May 6th

Sen. Barack Obama took a large and potentially decisive step toward the Democratic nomination Tuesday night, making dramatic symbolic and numerical gains in North Carolina and Indiana.

Obama’s emphatic North Carolina victory, and a narrow loss in Indiana, extended his lead in the count of delegates to the Democratic National Convention, and in most counts of the combined popular vote.

As important, they diminished Clinton’s rationale for urging Democratic superdelegates to override his delegate lead and give the nomination to her.
Sen. Barack Obama took a large and potentially decisive step toward the Democratic nomination Tuesday night, making dramatic symbolic and numerical gains in North Carolina and Indiana.

Obama’s emphatic North Carolina victory, and a narrow loss in Indiana, extended his lead in the count of delegates to the Democratic National Convention, and in most counts of the combined popular vote.

As important, they diminished Clinton’s rationale for urging Democratic superdelegates to override his delegate lead and give the nomination to her.

Read more

Obama wins North Carolina!!

Here is Obama addressing the country after the May 6th primary races in North Carolina and Indiana. Obama swept Clinton in NC...and won with a 14 point margin.

He also came within 3 points of winning Indiana, which is still a WIN for Obama.

Finally, we are seeing the end of this long drawn out process approaching.

HILLARY, PLEASE STEP DOWN and let us democrats mend our party and prepare for the general election.

Obama 08 - YES WE CAN!!!

Message from Obama to Supporters

Here's an email Obama sent to supporters last night...

Friend --

We just won a decisive victory in North Carolina thanks to people like you.

Indiana remains too close to call. But what is clear is that we did much better than all the pundits predicted, despite Republicans changing parties to support Senator Clinton, believing she would be easier for Senator McCain to defeat.

Here's where we stand.

As of Tuesday morning, we needed just 273 delegates to clinch the nomination. When the votes are fully counted Wednesday morning, we will have gained more than a third of them in a single day.

We have a clear path to victory. But now is the time for each one of us to step up and do what we can to close out this primary.

Please make a donation of $25 right now:

Thank you for everything you're doing,


Morning News: The New York Times

The results from the two primaries, the largest remaining Democratic ones, assured that Mr. Obama would widen his lead in pledged delegates over Mrs. Clinton, providing him with new ammunition as he seeks to persuade Democratic leaders to coalesce around his campaign. He also increased his lead in the popular vote in winning North Carolina by more than 200,000 votes.

"Don't ever forget that we have a choice in this country," Mr. Obama said in an address in Raleigh, N.C., that carried the unity themes of a convention speech. "We can choose not to be divided; that we can choose not to be afraid; that we can still choose this moment to finally come together and solve the problems we've talked about all those other years in all those other elections."


Morning News: Wall Street Journal

Barack Obama's quest to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination got a lift with a big win in North Carolina and a strong run in Indiana, where he did significantly better than expected against the favored Hillary Clinton.

... Tuesday's results will influence the ongoing and ultimately decisive "invisible primary" for the support of superdelegates -- the governors, members of Congress and party officers who can vote for any candidate at Democrats' late-August convention. Sen. Obama has cut Sen. Clinton's early big lead to about 15 superdelegates -- he has an estimated 255 to her 270

... He leads in pledged delegates won in the previous 45 primaries and caucuses, and likely will reach a majority of pledged delegates with the Oregon and Kentucky primaries.


Morning News: Washington Post

Sen. Barack Obama scored a landslide victory in North Carolina's Democratic presidential primary yesterday, moving him ever closer to locking up an insurmountable lead among pledged delegates, while Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton posted a razor-thin win in the hotly contested Indiana primary...

... The twin results solidified the status quo in the Democratic race, one that now gives Obama the clear advantage in the battle for the nomination because of his solid lead in the tally of pledged delegates. Despite her Indiana victory, Clinton emerged even more the underdog in the nomination battle.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Early voter turnout in Indiana favors Obama?

INDIANAPOLIS — Early voting in Indiana could offer some encouragement to presidential hopeful Barack Obama, who needs a victory in its upcoming primary after a tough few weeks on the campaign trail.

Obama victories in the Indiana and North Carolina primaries on May 6 could help him regain momentum in his nomination fight against Hillary Rodham Clinton. Obama has been on the defensive because of comments by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his own comments about people in small towns growing bitter.

About 20 percent of the 127,000-plus absentee ballots received as of early Friday were cast in three Indiana counties: Marion, Monroe and Lake - that political observers believe Obama is strongly favored to win.

Read more at Huffington Post...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Obama speaks on Equal Pay

IFPTE labor union endorses Obama

Obama gains another labor union endorsement. The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers’ (IFPTE) membership includes engineers, scientists and technicians at the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Energy (DOE), NASA and Boeing. The IFPTE Executive Council voted without opposition late yesterday to endorse the Illinois Senator.

In response to yesterday’s action, IFPTE President Gregory Junemann issued the following statement.

"While IFPTE applauds both Democratic candidates, our union’s internal polling results, coupled with Senator Obama’s unblemished record of support for the critical issues facing IFPTE, prompted our action to endorse Senator Obama.


43 North Carolina mayors endorse Obama

Today, the Obama campaign announced the endorsements of 43 North Carolina mayors, mayors pro tem, and former mayors, representing cities large and small, from Raleigh to Roper. To encourage North Carolinians to vote early, more than a dozen of these mayors will be voting early today at 1 p.m. at their local One Stop Early Voting locations.

"As a mayor, I’m on the front lines of local economic development," said Mayor Bill Bell of Durham. "We need a president who will work with us to solve the problems we face, help working Americans succeed, and usher in a new era of prosperity."

Obama's response...

“I’m honored to have the support of so many mayors from across North Carolina who are committed to working hard to change America. These mayors understand what leadership is, and how important it is to bring people of diverse backgrounds together to make change happen for our working families and our communities. Their support is incredibly important to this campaign – and I look forward to working with them to build a stronger economy where Main Street thrives, not just Wall Street.”

Click here to see the names of the 43 North Carolina mayors supporting Obama!

Obama's Statement on Equal Pay Day

They say he has nothing substantive to discuss...that he is merely a great orator that lacks "solutions." Don't fall for the hype. Anyone with that opinion is not paying close attention to this presidential race.

Check out what Obama has to say about Equal Pay Day:

"Equal Pay Day is about the fundamental American principle that if you work hard and do a good job, you should be rewarded for your success, regardless of what you look like, where you come from, or what gender you are. And yet, many women today are still earning less than men for the same work – making it harder for single mothers to climb out of poverty, and for elderly women to retire with security."

"This pay gap is an ugly reflection of the discrimination that still exists in the workplace. And as the son of a single mother and the father of two young daughters, I believe we have a responsibility to close it...and that's why tomorrow, I will vote for the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to overturn an unfair Supreme Court decision and ensure that workers can seek a remedy for any paycheck that reflects pay discrimination, no matter when they received it."

"In the end, while closing the pay gap is essential, it is not sufficient to make sure that women and girls have an equal shot at the American dream. We need to update the social contract to reflect the realities that working women face each day by providing seven paid sick days each year, helping all fifty states adopt paid leave for their workers, doubling federal funding for quality after-school programs, and encouraging flexible work schedules to help parents balance work and family."


Another SUPERDELEGATE for Obama!

LINCOLN, Neb. – Audra Ostergard, Associate Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party and member of the Democratic National Committee, publicly announced her support for Senator Barack Obama in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

“I have carefully weighed input from Democrats across Nebraska and closely watched results from primaries and caucuses across the country,” said Ostergard. “There are compelling arguments for supporting both candidates, but my decision came down to what’s best for our country and for Nebraska. In that regard, I am confident in my decision to endorse Senator Obama. He has a proven ability to activate Democrats in Nebraska.”


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Within 24 hours of lossing the Pennsylvania primary, U.S. Sen. Barack Obama won the endorsement of 29 state legislators today!

Led by Senate Majority Leader Tony Rand and former Speaker of the House Dan Blue of Raleigh, the lawmakers repeated the same lines as others who have endorsed Obama - that the Illinois senator can bring people together and ignite change across the country.

...Blue and Rand said their support comes in part because they think Obama will help Democrats win other offices in the state and because he has committed to win in North Carolina in November's general election.

Rand praised Obama for speaking directly. "He won't just tell everyone what they want to hear," Rand said. "He'll tell people what they need to hear."

Read the full article from The News and Observer

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last night, over 10,000 people turned out to hear Barack, Michelle, Senator Bob Casey, and Teresa Heinz-Kerry speak at the University of Pittsburgh. Check out a slideshow of pictures from the event!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama's new PA ad!

Check out Obama's new Pennsylvania ad!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Barack Obama in Steelton, PA

Obama responds to "out of touch" attacks.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Clinton only cares about SELF

Wake up people...PLEASE. This lady does not care about the Democractic party or her supporters. She only cares about SELF. It seems as if she is a "secret" Republican. I am questioning her experience even more now. Clearly, someone with adequate experience and common sense, would know these statements are going too far.

Here's what Gary Hart of the Huffington Post had to say...
It will come as a surprise to many people that there are rules in politics. Most of those rules are unwritten and are based on common understandings, acceptable practices, and the best interest of the political party a candidate seeks to lead. One of those rules is this: Do not provide ammunition to the opposition party that can be used to destroy your party's nominee. This is a hyper-truth where the presidential contest is concerned.

By saying that only she and John McCain are qualified to lead the country, particularly in times of crisis, Hillary Clinton has broken that rule, severely damaged the Democratic candidate who may well be the party's nominee, and, perhaps most ominously, revealed the unlimited lengths to which she will go to achieve power. She has essentially said that the Democratic party deserves to lose unless it nominates her...

Senator Obama is right to say the issue is judgment not years in Washington. If Mrs. Clinton loses the nomination, her failure will be traced to the date she voted to empower George W. Bush to invade Iraq. That is not the kind of judgment, or wisdom, required by the leader answering the phone in the night. For her now to claim that Senator Obama is not qualified to answer the crisis phone is the height of irony if not chutzpah, and calls into question whether her primary loyalty is to the Democratic party and the nation or to her own ambition.

Read more from Gary Hart

Geraldine Ferraro plays the RACE card

According to Clinton supporter, Geraldine Ferraro, "If Obama was a white man he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Listen people...don't fall for the 'okey-doke'. I believe every black male will disagree with this statement, and Obama probably said it best. To assume that a black male with the name Barack Obama in pursuit of becoming the President of the United States of America someone has an advantage because of his race, is LUDACRIS... simply insane. Tell me people, what type of person makes that statement? Only an old, racist, out-of-touch dinosaur. Has this lady been living in a bubble somewhere far away from planet Earth??

read more | digg story

Olbermann of MSNBC slaps Clinton with TRUTH!

Olbermann of MSNBC slaps Clinton with what most have tried to ignore...the TRUTH! In my opinion, Clinton has gone to the point of no return. There is NO way possible, under any set of circumstances, that I would give her my vote for ANYTHING. I am officially DONE with the Clintons.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Clinton's "primary vs. general election" fallacy

Please allow me to share this with you. I got these from a friend at

"Clinton's campaign has seized on an argument, hoping to sway enough superdelegates over to her side. They contend that because Clinton has won primaries in important battleground states she is better positioned to win those states in the general election. Recent history shows that this is patently false."
read more | digg story

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Obama wins Wyoming!!

Barack has won the Wyoming caucus!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama's new ad responding to Clinton

Within hours of Clinton launching her new FEAR ad, Barack responded...

Open Letter to Obama (Jin)

We Are The Ones Song by

Check out the new song by It's awesome!

Support Obama today!

Help us spread the word by purchasing Obama pin-back buttons and bumper stickers from Bikers4Obama. ALL proceeds are donated to the Obama campaign.

Here are a couple of our items... All items are $3/ea or 2 for $5

To view or purchase more Obama paraphernalia, go here.

Great interview of an Obama supporter!

I believe this interviewer bit off more than he can chew. I'm sure he didn't expect this response from this gentlemen. He makes me want to get my weight up.

Bruce Springstein endorses Obama!

Here's what Bruce had to say...

"I always look at my work as trying to measure the distance between American promise and American reality," Springsteen says. "And I think (Obama's) inspired a lot of people with that idea: How do you make that distance shorter? How do we create a more humane society? We've lived through such ugly times that people want to have a romance with the idea of America again, and I think they need to."The hard realities and how things get done are important, too, but if you can effectively convince people that it's possible to make things better, they get excited."

Read more from USA Today...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama's new ad in Ohio

Obama responds to McCain's attack...AGAIN

Team Clinton is Out of Touch

I ran across this interesting Washington Post article. I totally agree with the article, but I will go one step further and say Team Clinton is Out of Touch and Delusional.

It's interesting to hear Clinton's campaign executives give their take on the state of Clinton's campaingn. One advisor, Ikes, even stated "We're on the way to locking this nomination down."

After 11 wins for Obama and 0 victories for Hillary, is he serious? What nomination are they on the verge of locking down?? Did he really believe the American people would fall for that? And they like to assert Obama's supporters are delusional.

I had a ton of respect for Hillary (and Bill) prior to this presidential campaign. I have lost all respect for them. LMAO at Team Clinton

Obviously, I am not alone in my opinion. Here's an article from Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post.

MSNBC Debate: Obama's closing remarks

MSNBC Debate in Cleveland, OH

I sat in my PJ's watching last night's debate and was so proud. Obama shined! He was poised, positive and presidential. He was quick and articulated his points very well. He definitely has a way of talking to everyday people. He didn't bite at any of her attacks, but also did not hold back when speaking of his plans and defending his (or his campaign's) actions.

I have said several times before, I am so proud to be living in America at this time. To have the ability to follow this presidential race is priceless.

If you don't take my word for it, here are some of the reviews...

TIME (Joe Klein): He won. He not only won by not losing, but he also won on points--and on demeanor, and on quickness… LINK

Time (Jay Carney): Hillary Clinton missed some opportunities tonight. Her complaint at the beginning about the format of the debate seemed to fall flat. LINK

TIME (Mark Halperin) …Obama: B+, Clinton: B- “Avoided lofty rhetoric and focused on presenting himself as cool, deliberative, and substantive. Well prepared and focused.” LINK (On Clinton: “Her conviction that the media is biased against her seemed to throw her off throughout, and she was too distracted by her frustration with Obama and the press to truly shine.”)

NBC (Mark Murray): … Obama has an excellent command of his plan and his defense. LINK

MSNBC (David Gregory): …What you see time and time again with Barack Obama is a coolness about him. He absorbs a particular attack or a question or a pointed statement and tries to maybe acknowledge the point and then turn it around. Washington Post (Chris Cillizza) …Obama successfully parried most of Clinton's offense and even turned some of her aggressiveness against her. LINK

AMERICAblog (Joe Sudbay): … Obama was steady on a broad range of issues … In my view, the win goes to Obama. A clean win. LINK The New Republic (Michael Crowley): …Obama is quick on his feet and good humored. He also conveys a certain bemused remove from the bizarre conventions of traditional insider politics LINK

ABC (Rick Klein): …Notice that Obama is the first to try to turn the argument to Sen. McCain -- their battle has already begun, if tentatively, and Obama welcomes it. LINK

Throughout the day I will updating the blog with You Tube videos of the debate. Check back!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Texas Two-Step

As you may have heard, the Texas primary voting process is like no other. Texas voters are being asked to vote during the day, and return in the evening to caucus for their candidate.

I'm not complaining about this process. I personally believe this process favors Obama. Soccer moms, seniors over 60 yrs old and the working class (Clinton's base) are less likely to return to caucus for Clinton after voting during the primary. Soccer moms tend to have a pretty busy schedule in the evenings. Seniors may not appreciate the caucus setting, and will likely be at home resting during the evening hours.

Obama's base, young college-age voters will likely show up early to caucus for Obama, and will hang out all night if they must.

Click here for more information about the Texas Two-Step!

Another Ohio endorsement!

Mansfield Mayor Donald Culliver announced today his endorsement of U.S. Sen. Barack Obama for president. Culliver joins Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson in announcing their support for Obama.

“If we are going to make a better future for America, we need
a leader who isn’t invested in the political food fights of the past,” Culliver said. “Barack Obama is that leader. He has a record of bringing people together to deliver change, and what American cities need now is someone who can unite the country – from the grassroots up – around a sense of common purpose to pass universal healthcare, create new jobs and restore balance to our economy.”


Sen. Chris Dodd to endorse Obama

The Associated Press is reporting that Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut will formally endorse Obama today.

Dodd's support, coupled with his liberal credentials, could provide a boost for Obama as major contests near in big states such as Ohio and Texas on March 4. Obama has won some key Democratic endorsements in recent weeks, including Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, a close friend of Dodd.

Obama and rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton had been vying for Dodd's support since he exited the presidential race after a poor showing in the Iowa caucus last month. Dodd, who won his Senate seat in 1980 and chaired the Democratic National Committee from 1995-1996, has long-standing ties to the Clintons...

Dodd also could help Obama with Hispanic voters. A fluent Spanish speaker, Dodd served in the Peace Corps in a rural village in Dominican Republic from 1966-68 and has had a strong interest in Latin American affairs throughout his career..."


Monday, February 25, 2008

11,000 Strong in Dayton, Oh

Barack attracted a crowd of 11,000 to Wright State Univ in Dayton, Ohio this evening.
He spoke about the significance of hope...

Hope is imagining, then fighting for what did not seem possible before. Not to solve our problems easily. Not to think that somehow because we win an election that everything's going to be okay. But we have the chance to join together and work hard on behalf of future generations. There's a moment in the life of every generation where that spirit has to come through. When we can imagine that a better world is possible when we
are willing to work for it.

He discussed his continued committment to human rights...

We will lead in ending the genocide in Darfur. We will lead by having the highest standards of civil rights and civil liberties and due process. We will close Guantanamo we will practice habeas corpus, because you will have a President who's practiced law and understands the Constitution.

This is why I love Obama! He embraces hope, but he calls his supporters to action. He actually wants us involved. He is the ONLY candidate I have heard mention "a working majority." A candidate can have a ton of great ideas but none of that means anything if he/she does not possess the ability to unite the parties and form a working majority. DUH!

The average person may not understand the significance of forming a working majority. I am thankful Obama cared enough to mention and explain it to the voters. But, isn't Hillary supposed to know this? Why hasn't she mentioned it? She is selling her supporters on all of these great ideas, and know she won't be able to get half of them passed through Congress because she cannot effectively reach across party lines.

There's not a doubt in my mind that Obama will be an effective President, very likely the best we have seen. He has shown great character and sound judgment. He is unwavering, steadfast and presidential. Yes, Clinton has experience, but Obama has wisdom. I will take the latter any day.

We must move away from this culture of cynicism. What type of message are we sending to our children when we tear people down and mock those of us that dare to hope. Barack will unite the country, restore hope and inspire the American people.

The Audacity to Hope. If you haven't purchased the book, you better get it! I'm reading it for the 2nd time now.

Obama 08!!

Former Cleveland Mayor endorses Obama!

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that Former Cleveland mayor, Michael White, has endorsed Barack Obama. In a very well-written and heartfelt statement, White explains why he recently switched his support from Clinton to Obama.

Here's what he had to say...

I grew up in an era of hope-not only for Black Americans but for all Americans. It occurred to me at a young age that Dr. King was speaking not just to the plight of Black Americans but to the plight of all socially dispossessed Americans regardless of race or gender. He connected the poor in Harlem to the poor in Appalachia in speech after speech and in city after city which I believe made him a great threat to those who prosper by creating division in America...

Six months ago, I supported Senator Hillary Clinton. My wife JoAnn and I are friends of the Clintons. President Clinton was only the second elected official, after the assassinations of the 1960s, to give me hope again. Not withstanding his personal transgressions, President Clinton loves America and tried to do as much for the same Americans that the Kennedys and Dr. King were concerned about. But, after watching the primary election process by the day and sometimes by the hour, I decided that I cannot cast my vote for Senator Clinton.

On March 4th, I'm voting for Barack Obama because I want real change in our America, and he's made me hopeful that he has the intestinal fortitude to make the change which our country so sorely needs..."


A message from Obama...

Here's an email I just received from Obama...

A week from tomorrow could be the decisive day in this campaign.
We started behind in the two biggest states that will vote on March 4th, Ohio and Texas, but as we spend time on the ground, we are gaining strength.
But that's nothing new for us. We have started as the underdog in just about every state. And thanks to a growing movement of support from ordinary people across the country, we came from behind and won the last 11 contests in a row.
We can do this again.
It's not going to be easy -- attacks from our Democratic opponent and the presumptive Republican nominee are growing more frequent and more desperate. And the size of these two states will require unprecedented energy and resources to organize supporters and persuade undecided voters.
But we're within striking distance of our goal of one million people owning a piece of this campaign by March 4th, and every single person getting involved makes a difference.
If you make a donation through our matching program, you will double the impact of a first-time donor.
Encourage a fellow supporter to be one of the million. Make a matching donation right now:
We're within reach of this extraordinary goal for the same reason we've come from behind to unexpectedly win 26 out of 37 contests so far.
We're succeeding because our campaign has always been about bringing new people into the process.
Thanks to you, we're on the verge of history. Please do what you can to see this through.
Thank you,

Hillary Mocks Obama During A Campaign Rally

This lady has a split personality. She stands in front of her supporters mocking Obama during her rally. By attacking his message in this manner, she is also attacking his supporters as if they are delusional or something. These are the very same supporters she will need to vote for her IF she won the primary. Yeah, she may be smart as a whip..."nerd-like" is one way I've heard her described. But none of that "nerd-like" knowledge means anything if you don't have common sense.

read more digg story

New Gallup Poll! Obama Trounces Clinton

Check out this new Gallup poll! It reaffirms Clinton is indeed a divider, not a uniter. Regardless of how hard she tries to fake it, she does not have the ability to inspire or unite enough people to perfect change.

read more digg story

How Obama Can Effect Change

Please check out this new article written on how Obama can effect change. It was written by a friend and fellow Obama supporter, He really outdid himself with this one. It is right on point! Pls digg it up!

read more digg story

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Newsweek catches John McCain in LIE after LIE

McCain stood before cameras with his Barbie-like wife by his side and denied all allegations of infidelity and special favors. I felt from the time the words left his lips he was lying about something. I couldn't care less about the claims of infidelity. What goes around comes around. (McCain cheated on his first wife, Carol, with Cindy (his present wife). After 14 years of marriage, McCain ended his marriage with Carol. And 1 month later married Cindy.) McCain was 40 and Cindy was 25 at the time they married.

I believe the more serious allegations are that of giving special favors to special interest groups. He lied and stated he had not been contacted by 'the lobbyist's" boss. Newsweek has a deposition transcript from 2002 that proves McCain LIED.

Did he forget he gave the statement during his deposition? Or, is he just plain stupid? I think it's the latter. After 7 years of Bush, we do not need another stupid president.

Read more about the Newsweek article here...