Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Team Clinton is Out of Touch
I ran across this interesting Washington Post article. I totally agree with the article, but I will go one step further and say Team Clinton is Out of Touch and Delusional.
It's interesting to hear Clinton's campaign executives give their take on the state of Clinton's campaingn. One advisor, Ikes, even stated "We're on the way to locking this nomination down."
After 11 wins for Obama and 0 victories for Hillary, is he serious? What nomination are they on the verge of locking down?? Did he really believe the American people would fall for that? And they like to assert Obama's supporters are delusional.
I had a ton of respect for Hillary (and Bill) prior to this presidential campaign. I have lost all respect for them. LMAO at Team Clinton
Obviously, I am not alone in my opinion. Here's an article from Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post.
MSNBC Debate in Cleveland, OH
I sat in my PJ's watching last night's debate and was so proud. Obama shined! He was poised, positive and presidential. He was quick and articulated his points very well. He definitely has a way of talking to everyday people. He didn't bite at any of her attacks, but also did not hold back when speaking of his plans and defending his (or his campaign's) actions.
I have said several times before, I am so proud to be living in America at this time. To have the ability to follow this presidential race is priceless.
If you don't take my word for it, here are some of the reviews...
TIME (Joe Klein): He won. He not only won by not losing, but he also won on points--and on demeanor, and on quickness… LINKThroughout the day I will updating the blog with You Tube videos of the debate. Check back!Time (Jay Carney): Hillary Clinton missed some opportunities tonight. Her complaint at the beginning about the format of the debate seemed to fall flat. LINK
TIME (Mark Halperin) …Obama: B+, Clinton: B- “Avoided lofty rhetoric and focused on presenting himself as cool, deliberative, and substantive. Well prepared and focused.” LINK (On Clinton: “Her conviction that the media is biased against her seemed to throw her off throughout, and she was too distracted by her frustration with Obama and the press to truly shine.”)
NBC (Mark Murray): … Obama has an excellent command of his plan and his defense. LINK
MSNBC (David Gregory): …What you see time and time again with Barack Obama is a coolness about him. He absorbs a particular attack or a question or a pointed statement and tries to maybe acknowledge the point and then turn it around. Washington Post (Chris Cillizza) …Obama successfully parried most of Clinton's offense and even turned some of her aggressiveness against her. LINK
AMERICAblog (Joe Sudbay): … Obama was steady on a broad range of issues … In my view, the win goes to Obama. A clean win. LINK The New Republic (Michael Crowley): …Obama is quick on his feet and good humored. He also conveys a certain bemused remove from the bizarre conventions of traditional insider politics LINK
ABC (Rick Klein): …Notice that Obama is the first to try to turn the argument to Sen. McCain -- their battle has already begun, if tentatively, and Obama welcomes it. LINK