Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama's new ad responding to Clinton

Within hours of Clinton launching her new FEAR ad, Barack responded...

Open Letter to Obama (Jin)

We Are The Ones Song by

Check out the new song by It's awesome!

Support Obama today!

Help us spread the word by purchasing Obama pin-back buttons and bumper stickers from Bikers4Obama. ALL proceeds are donated to the Obama campaign.

Here are a couple of our items... All items are $3/ea or 2 for $5

To view or purchase more Obama paraphernalia, go here.

Great interview of an Obama supporter!

I believe this interviewer bit off more than he can chew. I'm sure he didn't expect this response from this gentlemen. He makes me want to get my weight up.

Bruce Springstein endorses Obama!

Here's what Bruce had to say...

"I always look at my work as trying to measure the distance between American promise and American reality," Springsteen says. "And I think (Obama's) inspired a lot of people with that idea: How do you make that distance shorter? How do we create a more humane society? We've lived through such ugly times that people want to have a romance with the idea of America again, and I think they need to."The hard realities and how things get done are important, too, but if you can effectively convince people that it's possible to make things better, they get excited."

Read more from USA Today...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama's new ad in Ohio

Obama responds to McCain's attack...AGAIN

Team Clinton is Out of Touch

I ran across this interesting Washington Post article. I totally agree with the article, but I will go one step further and say Team Clinton is Out of Touch and Delusional.

It's interesting to hear Clinton's campaign executives give their take on the state of Clinton's campaingn. One advisor, Ikes, even stated "We're on the way to locking this nomination down."

After 11 wins for Obama and 0 victories for Hillary, is he serious? What nomination are they on the verge of locking down?? Did he really believe the American people would fall for that? And they like to assert Obama's supporters are delusional.

I had a ton of respect for Hillary (and Bill) prior to this presidential campaign. I have lost all respect for them. LMAO at Team Clinton

Obviously, I am not alone in my opinion. Here's an article from Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post.

MSNBC Debate: Obama's closing remarks

MSNBC Debate in Cleveland, OH

I sat in my PJ's watching last night's debate and was so proud. Obama shined! He was poised, positive and presidential. He was quick and articulated his points very well. He definitely has a way of talking to everyday people. He didn't bite at any of her attacks, but also did not hold back when speaking of his plans and defending his (or his campaign's) actions.

I have said several times before, I am so proud to be living in America at this time. To have the ability to follow this presidential race is priceless.

If you don't take my word for it, here are some of the reviews...

TIME (Joe Klein): He won. He not only won by not losing, but he also won on points--and on demeanor, and on quickness… LINK

Time (Jay Carney): Hillary Clinton missed some opportunities tonight. Her complaint at the beginning about the format of the debate seemed to fall flat. LINK

TIME (Mark Halperin) …Obama: B+, Clinton: B- “Avoided lofty rhetoric and focused on presenting himself as cool, deliberative, and substantive. Well prepared and focused.” LINK (On Clinton: “Her conviction that the media is biased against her seemed to throw her off throughout, and she was too distracted by her frustration with Obama and the press to truly shine.”)

NBC (Mark Murray): … Obama has an excellent command of his plan and his defense. LINK

MSNBC (David Gregory): …What you see time and time again with Barack Obama is a coolness about him. He absorbs a particular attack or a question or a pointed statement and tries to maybe acknowledge the point and then turn it around. Washington Post (Chris Cillizza) …Obama successfully parried most of Clinton's offense and even turned some of her aggressiveness against her. LINK

AMERICAblog (Joe Sudbay): … Obama was steady on a broad range of issues … In my view, the win goes to Obama. A clean win. LINK The New Republic (Michael Crowley): …Obama is quick on his feet and good humored. He also conveys a certain bemused remove from the bizarre conventions of traditional insider politics LINK

ABC (Rick Klein): …Notice that Obama is the first to try to turn the argument to Sen. McCain -- their battle has already begun, if tentatively, and Obama welcomes it. LINK

Throughout the day I will updating the blog with You Tube videos of the debate. Check back!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Texas Two-Step

As you may have heard, the Texas primary voting process is like no other. Texas voters are being asked to vote during the day, and return in the evening to caucus for their candidate.

I'm not complaining about this process. I personally believe this process favors Obama. Soccer moms, seniors over 60 yrs old and the working class (Clinton's base) are less likely to return to caucus for Clinton after voting during the primary. Soccer moms tend to have a pretty busy schedule in the evenings. Seniors may not appreciate the caucus setting, and will likely be at home resting during the evening hours.

Obama's base, young college-age voters will likely show up early to caucus for Obama, and will hang out all night if they must.

Click here for more information about the Texas Two-Step!

Another Ohio endorsement!

Mansfield Mayor Donald Culliver announced today his endorsement of U.S. Sen. Barack Obama for president. Culliver joins Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson in announcing their support for Obama.

“If we are going to make a better future for America, we need
a leader who isn’t invested in the political food fights of the past,” Culliver said. “Barack Obama is that leader. He has a record of bringing people together to deliver change, and what American cities need now is someone who can unite the country – from the grassroots up – around a sense of common purpose to pass universal healthcare, create new jobs and restore balance to our economy.”


Sen. Chris Dodd to endorse Obama

The Associated Press is reporting that Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut will formally endorse Obama today.

Dodd's support, coupled with his liberal credentials, could provide a boost for Obama as major contests near in big states such as Ohio and Texas on March 4. Obama has won some key Democratic endorsements in recent weeks, including Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, a close friend of Dodd.

Obama and rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton had been vying for Dodd's support since he exited the presidential race after a poor showing in the Iowa caucus last month. Dodd, who won his Senate seat in 1980 and chaired the Democratic National Committee from 1995-1996, has long-standing ties to the Clintons...

Dodd also could help Obama with Hispanic voters. A fluent Spanish speaker, Dodd served in the Peace Corps in a rural village in Dominican Republic from 1966-68 and has had a strong interest in Latin American affairs throughout his career..."


Monday, February 25, 2008

11,000 Strong in Dayton, Oh

Barack attracted a crowd of 11,000 to Wright State Univ in Dayton, Ohio this evening.
He spoke about the significance of hope...

Hope is imagining, then fighting for what did not seem possible before. Not to solve our problems easily. Not to think that somehow because we win an election that everything's going to be okay. But we have the chance to join together and work hard on behalf of future generations. There's a moment in the life of every generation where that spirit has to come through. When we can imagine that a better world is possible when we
are willing to work for it.

He discussed his continued committment to human rights...

We will lead in ending the genocide in Darfur. We will lead by having the highest standards of civil rights and civil liberties and due process. We will close Guantanamo we will practice habeas corpus, because you will have a President who's practiced law and understands the Constitution.

This is why I love Obama! He embraces hope, but he calls his supporters to action. He actually wants us involved. He is the ONLY candidate I have heard mention "a working majority." A candidate can have a ton of great ideas but none of that means anything if he/she does not possess the ability to unite the parties and form a working majority. DUH!

The average person may not understand the significance of forming a working majority. I am thankful Obama cared enough to mention and explain it to the voters. But, isn't Hillary supposed to know this? Why hasn't she mentioned it? She is selling her supporters on all of these great ideas, and know she won't be able to get half of them passed through Congress because she cannot effectively reach across party lines.

There's not a doubt in my mind that Obama will be an effective President, very likely the best we have seen. He has shown great character and sound judgment. He is unwavering, steadfast and presidential. Yes, Clinton has experience, but Obama has wisdom. I will take the latter any day.

We must move away from this culture of cynicism. What type of message are we sending to our children when we tear people down and mock those of us that dare to hope. Barack will unite the country, restore hope and inspire the American people.

The Audacity to Hope. If you haven't purchased the book, you better get it! I'm reading it for the 2nd time now.

Obama 08!!

Former Cleveland Mayor endorses Obama!

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that Former Cleveland mayor, Michael White, has endorsed Barack Obama. In a very well-written and heartfelt statement, White explains why he recently switched his support from Clinton to Obama.

Here's what he had to say...

I grew up in an era of hope-not only for Black Americans but for all Americans. It occurred to me at a young age that Dr. King was speaking not just to the plight of Black Americans but to the plight of all socially dispossessed Americans regardless of race or gender. He connected the poor in Harlem to the poor in Appalachia in speech after speech and in city after city which I believe made him a great threat to those who prosper by creating division in America...

Six months ago, I supported Senator Hillary Clinton. My wife JoAnn and I are friends of the Clintons. President Clinton was only the second elected official, after the assassinations of the 1960s, to give me hope again. Not withstanding his personal transgressions, President Clinton loves America and tried to do as much for the same Americans that the Kennedys and Dr. King were concerned about. But, after watching the primary election process by the day and sometimes by the hour, I decided that I cannot cast my vote for Senator Clinton.

On March 4th, I'm voting for Barack Obama because I want real change in our America, and he's made me hopeful that he has the intestinal fortitude to make the change which our country so sorely needs..."


A message from Obama...

Here's an email I just received from Obama...

A week from tomorrow could be the decisive day in this campaign.
We started behind in the two biggest states that will vote on March 4th, Ohio and Texas, but as we spend time on the ground, we are gaining strength.
But that's nothing new for us. We have started as the underdog in just about every state. And thanks to a growing movement of support from ordinary people across the country, we came from behind and won the last 11 contests in a row.
We can do this again.
It's not going to be easy -- attacks from our Democratic opponent and the presumptive Republican nominee are growing more frequent and more desperate. And the size of these two states will require unprecedented energy and resources to organize supporters and persuade undecided voters.
But we're within striking distance of our goal of one million people owning a piece of this campaign by March 4th, and every single person getting involved makes a difference.
If you make a donation through our matching program, you will double the impact of a first-time donor.
Encourage a fellow supporter to be one of the million. Make a matching donation right now:
We're within reach of this extraordinary goal for the same reason we've come from behind to unexpectedly win 26 out of 37 contests so far.
We're succeeding because our campaign has always been about bringing new people into the process.
Thanks to you, we're on the verge of history. Please do what you can to see this through.
Thank you,

Hillary Mocks Obama During A Campaign Rally

This lady has a split personality. She stands in front of her supporters mocking Obama during her rally. By attacking his message in this manner, she is also attacking his supporters as if they are delusional or something. These are the very same supporters she will need to vote for her IF she won the primary. Yeah, she may be smart as a whip..."nerd-like" is one way I've heard her described. But none of that "nerd-like" knowledge means anything if you don't have common sense.

read more digg story

New Gallup Poll! Obama Trounces Clinton

Check out this new Gallup poll! It reaffirms Clinton is indeed a divider, not a uniter. Regardless of how hard she tries to fake it, she does not have the ability to inspire or unite enough people to perfect change.

read more digg story

How Obama Can Effect Change

Please check out this new article written on how Obama can effect change. It was written by a friend and fellow Obama supporter, He really outdid himself with this one. It is right on point! Pls digg it up!

read more digg story

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Newsweek catches John McCain in LIE after LIE

McCain stood before cameras with his Barbie-like wife by his side and denied all allegations of infidelity and special favors. I felt from the time the words left his lips he was lying about something. I couldn't care less about the claims of infidelity. What goes around comes around. (McCain cheated on his first wife, Carol, with Cindy (his present wife). After 14 years of marriage, McCain ended his marriage with Carol. And 1 month later married Cindy.) McCain was 40 and Cindy was 25 at the time they married.

I believe the more serious allegations are that of giving special favors to special interest groups. He lied and stated he had not been contacted by 'the lobbyist's" boss. Newsweek has a deposition transcript from 2002 that proves McCain LIED.

Did he forget he gave the statement during his deposition? Or, is he just plain stupid? I think it's the latter. After 7 years of Bush, we do not need another stupid president.

Read more about the Newsweek article here...

Friday, February 22, 2008

CNN Debate

This was one of the best moments of the entire debate.

Hillary Plagiarizes?

I must share this video with you all. I ran across this on my friend's blog, Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't think much of this video. I personally do not see anything wrong with "borrowing words/phrases" from associates with permission. BUT, during last night's debate Clinton persistently accused Barack of plagiarizing two lines from his friend's speech. It's ridiculous, I know! Yet, within minutes of her rant she did the SAME thing. Her closing remarks sounded awfully similar to former Bill Clinton's remarks made years ago.

And, it gets worse. She is borrowing words from John Edwards as well.

Okay that's enough of Hillary for today.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

FREE shipping on Obama gear!

FINALLY, some of our Obama support items have arrived! There is a 8 week back order on almost every item on Obama's official site. So, I had to take matters into my own hands to get the gear here.

ALL proceeds from our sales are donated to Obama's campaign! Remember, Obama's entire campaign is funded by the lobbyists or special interest groups. Please support our store! Every $1 counts.

We have several types of Obama pin-back buttons, and bumper stickers available. Take a look!

We will add other items to this page as we receive them. We expect to receive rally signs, t-shirts, hats and yard signs!


Obama '08 Pin-Back Button (white)

Show your support for Barack Obama with this WHITE pin-back button. 2 1/4" $2.00 each

Obama '08 Pin-Back Button (blue)

Show your support for Barack Obama with this BLUE pin-back button. 2 1/4" $2.00 each

Obama '08 Bumper Sticker (white)

Show your support for Barack Obama with this vinyl bumper sticker. Measuring 11-1/2" x 3", this bumper sticker is made with a removable adhesive that will not damage your car or bike. $2.00 each

Obama for President Pin-Back Button (w/ stars)

Show your support for Barack Obama with this beautiful red, white and blue pin-back button. 2 1/4" $2.00 each

Barack Obama for President 2008 (w/ photo)

Show your support for Barack Obama with this beautiful pin-back button. 2 1/4" $2.00 each

*Free shipping on all items shipped within the U.S. This offer expires on April 15, 2008.

Emmitt Smith Endorses Obama in Dallas

Here is a clip of Emmitt Smith endorsing Barack Obama during a rally in Dallas, TX on Wed, Feb 20th.

It's great to see Emmitt stand there and speak of Obama with such passion and conviction. Obama's candidacy has already had a tremendous effect on people across the US. I can only imagine what having him as a President will do for our country.

Light A Candle for Obama during CNN debate

The long awaited Democratic debate will take place tonight at 8pm EST in Austin, Texas. It will be broadcasted on CNN.

Please Light a Candle in support of Obama during tonight's debate. And, please send him some positive energy.

This is a great opportunity for many unknowns to get to know him, particularly the Hispanic community in Texas. His momemtum has proven that the more people get to know him, the more they like him, his message and ideas.

So, don't forget...Light A Candle for Obama at 8pm EST tonight and tune in to the debate on CNN.

Obama on predatory lending

Obama discusses the mortgage crisis during a rally in San Antonio, TX on Tues, Jan 19th. Once he's President of the United States, he will set-up a $10 billion fund to help people remain in their homes. He also plans to continue his fight against predatory lenders.

I get a bit annoyed when I hear someone criticize Obama for not having a plan or any good ideas, only rhetoric. That's ridiculous on many levels! The man has a plan for every pressing issue, and he goes into detail on his website. Check out the issues page.

You can also download your own copy of his 64-page Blueprint for Change: Obama's Plan for America. If you take the time to review it in its entirety, I believe you will have to admit not only does the man have many ideas, he has some of the BEST ideas.

Obama learned politics helping the poor

This is a great article from Newsweek regarding the time Obama spent working as a community organizer in the Southside of Chicago. "When he arrived in 1985, Obama was paid just over $10,000 plus enough money to buy a beat-up Honda."

Read the entire article here...

digg story

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Breaking News: Teamsters Union Endorse Obama!

Hi fellow Obama supporters!
I am pleased to inform you that CNN has reported the Teamsters Union is endorsing Obama for President of the United States! This union has over 1.4 million members. I'm sure this comes as a huge let-down to Senator Clinton. The Teamsters are longtime supporters of the Clintons. Fortunately, they made a decision based on what is best for our country.
The Teamsters endorsement is great for Obama for a number of reasons. It will certainly help him attract more support from working class communities throughout Ohio. But more importantly, he now has access to a team of volunteers that can assist with phonebanking, door-to-door canvassing and of course, more donations! Fired Up & Ready To Go!!
Here is a quote from the president of the Teamsters:

“Senator Obama understands the challenges working people face every day,”Hoffa said. “He is the candidate in the best position to lead our movement to restore the American dream for working people in this country. Senator Obama will fight for better wages, real health care reform, stronger retirement security, fair trade and an end to the outsourcing of good jobs. He understands the importance of giving workers a voice at work and will fight for strong unions to help rebuild America’s middle class."

17,000 Strong in Dallas, TX

The momentum continues!

Obama gave a rally in Dallas, TX on Wed, 2/20. He attracted (...yes, attracted!) a crowd of approximately 17,000 supporters! Emmitt Smith surprised the crowd with his appearance in support of Obama.

Take a look at the picture below. I have been a political junkie for a while. I entered GSU majoring in Political Science. I cannot say that I have ever witnessed any type of campaign, presidential or otherwise, that turned into an actual movement. This is the most inspiring, energetic and promising movement I have ever witnessed in the US.

Below is a statement Obama made during the rally. It is pretty obvious he is referring the traditional, mudslinging tactics that have been recently used against him by the"experienced" Washington players, Clinton and McCain.
... "Senator Clinton told us that there was a choice in this race, and, you know, I couldn't agree with her more," Mr. Obama said. "It's not a choice between speeches and solutions; it's a choice between a politics that offers more of the same divisions and distractions that didn't work in South Carolina and didn't work in Wisconsin and will not work in Texas, or a new politics of common sense, of common purpose, of shared sacrifice and shared prosperity."
Disclaimer: I know some may compare this movement to that of the Civil Rights Movement, the Womens' Movement and other calls for change. That may be true. I do not discredit that in any way. However, I did not personally witness or participate in any of those movements. This is a first for me!

Obama wins his 10th consecutive state!

Hi ObamaFans!

I am pleased to announce that Obama has won his 10th consecutive victory in his birth state of Hawaii. Despite the Clintons dispatching their daughter to Hawaii for a 3 day campaigning trip, Obama took the island by a huge margin. He received 76% of the votes, and Clinton walked away with a mere 24%.

The pundits are downplaying this win because Obama was favored in his birth state. However, I must point out...every candidate has a birth state, including Clinton, and I don't remember her winning her own home state by that type of margin.

The reality is..."A change is coming to America"...a lot quicker than most of us expected.

Let's take Ohio AND Texas!! There are many things you can do as a volunteer for the Obama campaign. Here are a couple of ideas:

Phone-canvassing from home: I have been doing this for months now. I really enjoy it. It's super easy. The script is provided by the Obama campaign (although I tend to add my own little swagger to it!), and it can all be done from your own home.

DONATE! - This is major you all! The more we donate, the more the campaign is able to do. And remember, any funds remaining in the campaign after the primary can be used for the general election.

GOTV Trip to Ohio (2/29-3/2) - Bikers 4 Obama is planning their Get Out the Vote trip to Ohio. Join us! If you are located in Ohio please contact us. We would love to meet up with you after we arrive in Chicago.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Obama in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is a blue collar, working class state that is expected to favor Clinton. Over 80% of the population is white, and less than 10% is black. Their voters tend to make less than $50,000 per year and do not hold college degrees.

Regardless of what the pundits say, Obama is campaigning hard in Wisconsin. In our campaign, every vote counts...small and large states. We started to see Obama tap into Clinton's voter base in the Potomac primaries.

Please continue to make calls to Wisconsin, and DONATE whatever you can. We can help Obama sweep the remaining states.

Here is an Obama rally in Eau Claire, Wisconsin on Saturday... FIRED UP & READY TO GO!!

Michelle Obama graces the cover of Newsweek

The opening of the article seems to be right on point. It reads, "She's the one who keeps him real, the one who makes sure running for leader of the free world doesn't go to his head. Michelle's story."

Michelle Obama has been an absolute inspiration to women and men alike -- drawing diverse crowds of over 1,000 people even when she campaigns on her own. This week's article in Newsweek is a must-read for everyone out there who loves Michelle (which is likely, everyone.)
Check out excerpts of the article here on Obama's official website.
And, if you haven't met Michelle yet, you can meet her here.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bikers 4 Obama plans trip to Ohio!!

It's official! Bikers 4 Obama is going to Ohio to assist with Getting Out The Vote !!!!!!!

My husband and I have been contemplating a trip to Ohio for over a week now. I have been assisting Obama's campaign from home by making calls to voters all over the U.S. That has been truly rewarding for me. Well, I want to help out a little more than that. I want to pound the pavement, meet the people face-to-face, and encourage others to GOTV.

I understand that this type of support isn't feasible for everyone, especially those of you that are scheduled to work. I realize this is short notice. Because I'm self-employed and control my own schedule, I can't justify (to myself) not going. This is the least I can do.

We are planning to depart Atlanta on Feb. 29th and return on March 5th. At this moment, we are not sure if we will drive or fly there. We will wait to hear from others that are interested in going. If we can put together a nice size group, we will drive or take a charter bus. If not, we will hop on a flight.

If you are interested in taking this trip with us, please email me. I will be posting more details later today.


Obama responds to Clinton's attack

Clinton is in dire need to attract supporters in Texas, Ohio and other states. Her message has somehow changed. She is now promoting herself as the candidate of solutions, and Obama as the candidate of speeches, talk...rhetoric.

She is correct... speeches along won't change anything. What does she think Obama has been doing over the last 20 years?? While she was working as a corporate attorney for Walmart, Obama was working with the people...organizing neighborhoods on the Southside of Chicago. Obviously, Clinton knows this. She just doesn't want anyone else to know it.

Here is Obama addressing Clinton's assertion during a 6,000 person rally in Wisconsin. The man is holding his own again this chick. He will do the same against the old timer, McCain.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Obama discusses Home Mortgage Crisis

Barack has been campaigning in Wisconsin all week. Here is a video of Barack answering a question regarding his plans to deal with the home mortgage crisis.

This guy is on point!

Barack 08!!

Major union, SEIC, endorses Obama!

Today was certainly a great day for Obama. He secured not one, but two major union endorsements, The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) and Service Employees International Union (SEIC)

From the Associated Press, read about SEIC's endorsement of Obama...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Barack Obama won the support Friday of the 1.9-million member Service Employees International Union, his second endorsement in as many days from large labor organizations and a fresh sign of momentum in the Democratic presidential race with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"There has never been a fight in Illinois or a fight in the nation where our members have not asked Barack Obama for assistance and he has not done everything he could to help us," Andy Stern, the union's president, told reporters in announcing the decision.

Stern said that in the months since union leaders met with several Democratic candidates last fall, "the excitement has been building and building for Obama."

The politically active union represents workers in health care, building services and other industries. It has donated more than $25 million to candidates in the past two decades, most of it to Democrats.

Read more

Michelle Obama in Columbus, OH

Michelle Obama traveled Ohio today, making stops in Columbus and Cincinnati! Before her event started at Ohio State University, the overflowing crowd started chants of "Fired Up and Ready to Go!" and "Yes, We Can!"

During her speech, Michelle spoke about she could relate to Ohioans because she grew up in a middle class family and her father worked hard every day to support his family as best he could. She also spoke about how she's worried about the lack of empathy our country is facing.

She said:
"People are struggling all over the place because the jobs like my father had, those blue collar jobs, are disappearing. Over the course of my lifetime, I have seen the challenges that ordinary folks face get increasingly more difficult...It's not that we're suffering from a deficit of policies and plans, it's that we've lost the understanding that in a democracy, in a culture like ours, we are only as strong as the weakest among us. We all have to be ready to compromise and sacrifice."

Michelle spoke about Barack's history of bringing about positive change for ordinary Americans while working as a community organizer and civil rights attorney, and encouraged people to believe in the possibilities of hope. She said:
"Hope is making a comeback because people are believing in the possibility of making change from the bottom up...Right now we need some inspiration. Everything begins and ends with hope. The only person who has a chance of getting us where we need to be is Barack Obama."

Michelle told everyone how important it is to participate in the political process by voting on March 4, and said, "Barack needs you. This is about changing the way we engage in democracy."


Breaking News: Austin, TX Mayor endorses Obama

Hey guys and gals,

The Associated Press is reporting that the Mayor of Austin, TX has endorsed Obama!


AUSTIN—Austin Mayor Will Wynn threw his support Friday to Sen. Barack Obama's bid for the White House.

Wynn, who has made energy efficiency a hallmark of his tenure, cited Obama's commitment to an energy policy that protects the environment.

"For too long, we've allowed old divisions to hold us back," Wynn said. "Recently, I've had conversations about energy policy with presidential candidates from both parties, and I believe Sen. Obama is the only person who can move us forward on this critical issue."

Wynn chairs the Energy Committee of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and worked on energy-efficiency grant legislation.

Obama thanked Wynn for the endorsement.

"I don't believe that energy policy is something to bring up only when it's convenient during a campaign," he said in a statement issued by his campaign.

Obama wants to set up a carbon emissions cap-and-trade system requiring pollution credits to be auctioned, to ensure polluters pay for emissions they release. Revenue generated by auctioning allowances will be used to develop clean energy and invest in energy efficiency improvements.

Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign has proposed a similar energy plan. Her plan also would mandate stronger energy and auto efficiency standards and a significant increase in green research funding.

Join Obama's movement!

Obama's entire presidential campaign is ran by his supporters...literally. He has built a grass-roots operation that is flowing seamlessly. As he states, change is happening from the bottom up. I was inspired by an article I ran across in the LA Times. If you haven't donated to Obama's campaign because you think a few bucks here and there wouldn't help any, you MUST read about Chuck Barracato, one of Obama's many small donors.

From his South Texas home, Chuck Barracato watches the news to see how Barack Obama is doing. When Barracato is moved by Obama's message or senses that the Illinois senator could use some help, he digs into his savings and chips in $25 for the candidate's presidential campaign. Barracato's payments, sent by computer click, add up to $700, maybe a little more. It's not a big sum by the standards of political donations, but it's enough to make Barracato part of a movement that some experts believe is reshaping presidential fundraising.

"I am grass-roots," said Barracato, 68, a retired teacher who has gotten involved in the 2008 presidential campaign because of his opposition to the war in Iraq. "I am the itty-bitty guy behind the movement."

Please donate to Obama's campaign. Join our movement!!

Obama's momentum continues!

The Associated Press reports...

Barack Obama is attracting jaw-dropping crowds at stop after stop. Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton would be thrilled with her own big turnouts except that his are so much bigger.

Political insiders are unsure what to make of it all: No one has seen these kinds of crowds so long before Election Day...

While some major Republican candidates were struggling to draw 800 people just before the Feb. 5 primaries, Obama spoke before 54,000 on a three-stop Saturday. That was approaching the population of Wilmington, Del., where he drew 20,000 the next day, Super Bowl Sunday...

In arena after arena, fire marshals turn people away. Obama briefly speaks to the disappointed groups, in overflow rooms or freezing parking lots, before addressing the big crowds inside.

Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin said the last politician to draw such "fervent, huge crowds" was Robert F. Kennedy, in 1968. Unlike Obama, she said, Kennedy started with a famous name and legacy, "which makes this even more extraordinary."

Source: Associated Press

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obama v. McCain

Here's more evidence that Obama will be more likely than Clinton to beat McCain in the general election. Colorado is a so-called "purple state," which has voted Republican in the last three presidential elections but is trending Democratic... According to Rasmussen, Obama is significantly more likely to beat McCain in Colorado than Clinton is...

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows that Barack Obama (D) currently holds a seven-point advantage over John McCain (R), 46% to 39%. However, if the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, McCain will begin the race with a fourteen point advantage, 49% to 35%. %. National polling, updated daily, currently shows the same general trend with Obama currently performing better than Clinton in match-ups with McCain.

Sixty percent (60%) of Colorado voters currently have a favorable opinion of Obama while just 36% hold an unfavorable view.

McCain earns favorable reviews from 55% and less flattering assessments from 42%.

Clinton is viewed favorably by 44% and unfavorably by 54%.

Click here for a breakdown of various polls showing that Obama is more likely to beat McCain than Clinton.

Bill Clinton's Campaign Chair Endorses Obama!

On February 13, 2008, The New York Times reported that Bill Clinton's former campaign chair support Obama.

"David Wilhelm, who was Bill Clinton’s campaign chairman in 1992, has endorsed Senator Barack Obama for president.

Mr. Wilhelm lives and works in Ohio, which will be a major battleground for the Democratic candidates come March 4.

After Mr. Wilhelm helped him win the election, Mr. Clinton made Mr. Wilhelm the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Now a venture capitalist who focuses on neglected regions of the country, Mr. Wilhelm is also a superdelegate and said he expected the Obama campaign would want him to get on the phone to lobby other superdelegates.

He said in a conference call today that Mr. Obama was more electable than Senator Hillary Clinton. Mr. Obama’s campaign is evidence of his leadership, he said, calling it “masterful.”

“He has out-worked her, out-organized her and out-raised her,” Mr. Wilhelm said. “I know organizational excellence when I see it, and the Obama campaign, win or lose, will serve as a model” of execution of strategy, message discipline, application of new technology and small-donor fund raising."

Former Republican Lincoln Chafee endorses Obama

Former Republican U.S. Sen. Lincoln Chafee today endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, citing the Illinois senator’s longstanding opposition to the war in Iraq.

Chafee, who lost a run for reelection in 2006, was the only Republican in the Senate to vote against giving President Bush the authority to attack Iraq. Chafee left the Republican Party last year and changed his registration to unaffiliated.

Chafee hinted several days ago that he was considering a vote for Obama. In his upcoming book, Chafee criticizes Democrats who supported the resolution to authorize the war, saying a vote for the war should be a career-ending lapse of judgment. In backing Obama, the former senator said the nation cannot afford another presidential election with two candidates who supported the war.

Obama was not in the Senate in 2002; he announced his opposition to the war that October in a speech in Chicago.The other top contenders, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, and Republican U.S. Sen. John McCain, voted for the authorization.

McCain, who campaigned for Chafee in 2006, is in Rhode Island today for a campaign event. He is the likely Republican nominee.

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Former Clinton Superdelegate Switches to Barack Obama

Christine “Roz” Samuels, a superdelegate from Montclair, New Jersey, announced today that she is switching her support from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama.

Samuels cited Obama's ability to unite the country...

"I now support Barack Obama because he has brought about a new wave of hope and energy to this country, especially among our young people, who represent our future. People want to see change. Barack can help unite this country and help us embrace our diverse nation.

I am also proud to support Senator Obama because he spoke clearly and forcefully against the war in Iraq from the start. I know he has the leadership to make sure we bring our young men and women home as quickly and carefully as possible, and ensure all Americans have access to affordable health care."

Samuels served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Newark Teachers’ Union, Local 481 from 1995 until 2007. Samuels is a former Commissioner of the Essex County Board of Elections, a member of the Montclair Democratic Committee, and active in the Montclair and state-wide NAACP.

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Meet Barack Obama

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. His father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and raised in a small village in Kenya, where he grew up herding goats with his own father, who was a domestic servant to the British.

Barack's mother, Ann Dunham, grew up in small-town Kansas. Her father worked on oil rigs during the Depression, and then signed up for World War II after Pearl Harbor, where he marched across Europe in Patton's army. Her mother went to work on a bomber assembly line, and after the war, they studied on the G.I. Bill, bought a house through the Federal Housing Program, and moved west to Hawaii.

It was there, at the University of Hawaii, where Barack's parents met. His mother was a student there, and his father had won a scholarship that allowed him to leave Kenya and pursue his dreams in America.

Barack's father eventually returned to Kenya, and Barack grew up with his mother in Hawaii, and for a few years in Indonesia. Later, he moved to New York, where he graduated from Columbia University in 1983.

The College Years

Remembering the values of empathy and service that his mother taught him, Barack put law school and corporate life on hold after college and moved to Chicago in 1985, where he became a community organizer with a church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods plagued with crime and high unemployment.

The group had some success, but Barack had come to realize that in order to truly improve the lives of people in that community and other communities, it would take not just a change at the local level, but a change in our laws and in our politics.

He went on to earn his law degree from Harvard in 1991, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Soon after, he returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights lawyer and teach constitutional law. Finally, his advocacy work led him to run for the Illinois State Senate, where he served for eight years. In 2004, he became the third African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

Political Career

It has been the rich and varied experiences of Barack Obama's life - growing up in different places with people who had differing ideas - that have animated his political journey. Amid the partisanship and bickering of today's public debate, he still believes in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose - a politics that puts solving the challenges of everyday Americans ahead of partisan calculation and political gain.

In the Illinois State Senate, this meant working with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. He also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

In the U.S. Senate, he has focused on tackling the challenges of a globalized, 21st century world with fresh thinking and a politics that no longer settles for the lowest common denominator. His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent. He has also been the lead voice in championing ethics reform that would root out Jack Abramoff-style corruption in Congress.

As a member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama has fought to help Illinois veterans get the disability pay they were promised, while working to prepare the VA for the return of the thousands of veterans who will need care after Iraq and Afghanistan. Recognizing the terrorist threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, he traveled to Russia with Republican Dick Lugar to begin a new generation of non-proliferation efforts designed to find and secure deadly weapons around the world. And knowing the threat we face to our economy and our security from America's addiction to oil, he's working to bring auto companies, unions, farmers, businesses and politicians of both parties together to promote the greater use of alternative fuels and higher fuel standards in our cars.

Whether it's the poverty exposed by Katrina, the genocide in Darfur, or the role of faith in our politics, Barack Obama continues to speak out on the issues that will define America in the 21st century. But above all his accomplishments and experiences, he is most proud and grateful for his family. His wife, Michelle, and his two daughters, Malia, 9, and Sasha, 6, live on Chicago's South Side where they attend Trinity United Church of Christ.

Meet Michelle Obama!

Some may be asking Who is Michelle Obama? Yeah, we know she is the wife of Barack Obama, but who is she, and what she all about?

It is my pleasure to introduce you to the lovely, articulate, intelligent, soon-to-be First Lady of the United States of America. I hope you love her as much as I do.

Michelle was born on January 17, 1964, to Marian and Fraser Robinson on Chicago's South Side and graduated from Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago's West Loop. After high school Michelle went on to Princeton University where in 1985 she graduated with a B.A. in sociology and a minor in African American studies. After college, Michelle continued her education at Harvard Law School, where she earned her degree in 1988.

For three years after law school, Michelle worked as an associate in the area of marketing and intellectual property at Chicago law firm Sidley and Austin, where she met Barack Obama. She left the corporate law world in 1991 to pursue a career in public service, serving as an assistant to the mayor and then as the assistant commissioner of planning and development for the City of Chicago.

In 1993, she became the founding executive director of Public Allies - Chicago, a leadership training program that received AmeriCorps National Service funding and helped young adults develop skills for future careers in the public sector.

Michelle began her involvement with the University of Chicago in 1996. As associate dean of student services, she developed the University's first community service program. Michelle also served as executive director of community and external affairs until 2005, when she was appointed vice president of community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center. She also managed the business diversity program.

Michelle has fostered the University of Chicago's relationship with the surrounding community and developed the diversity program, making them both integral parts of the Medical Center's mission.

Barack, Michelle and their two daughters Malia, 9, and Sasha, 6, live on the south side of Chicago, where they attend Trinity United Church of Christ.

To view the Meet Michelle Obama video, please visit the official Obama website. (

Roland Martin analyzes Obama's SC victory

Check out Roland Martin as he analyzes Obama's South Carolina win. As Martin points out, this is the first primary where the percentage points exceeded 50%. Obama took 54% of the vote, and left Clinton with a mere 27%! He beat down Clinton in almost every demographic, with the exception of the 65+ crew.


You can check out Roland Martin's blog here.

Obama Trounces Clinton in South Carolina

Sen. Barack Obama's landslide victory in South Carolina increased his momentum on the road toward the Democratic presidential nomination.

Obama nearly doubled the votes of Sen. Clinton, and received a stunning 81 percent of the African American vote, according to CNN exit polls.

The pundits would like to attribute this amazing victory to racial divides; however, the numbers do not reflect that assertion. Obama also won 25 percent of the white vote in South Carolina, which reinforces my belief that he is the only candidate at this moment that can build a new Democratic coalition, and a working majority.

One must ask, why did Clinton severely lose the African-American vote to Barack Obama? (In my own words, who did she piss off?) Several polls leading up to the South Carolina primary reflected Clinton's double digit lead over Obama in the African American community. I never understood it, but that's what the polls said.

I am aware of the African American community's love for Bill Clinton and what they perceive him to have done for our community while in office. This was evident when Toni Morrison coined him "the first African American president" years ago. No one could deny how the African American community embraced the former president.

In all fairness I must say that Ms. Morrison has since come to her senses, and has endorsed Barack Obama for President of the United States. (To read more about Obama's endorsements, click here to read our endorsement post.)

The pundits, and much of America, has attributed Senator Clinton's embarassing loss of the African American community to the actions, specifically "the tongue" of her husband, former president Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton earlier in the day of the SC primary evoked the Rev. Jesse Jackson's South Carolina wins in 1984 and 1988 when talking to a reporter about Obama, to somehow downplay the significance of Obama winning a state like South Carolina.

The results of the South Carolina primary offered a sharp rebuke to former President Bill Clinton, who campaigned hard for his wife across South Carolina, attacking her rival's record with a vigor new to the campaign. Bill Clinton saw himself transformed from a Democratic favorite, to a polarizing attack dog. He was booed by Obama supporters when his image came onto the screen at Obama's victory party in Columbia, S.C. Approximately 6 out of 10 voters said Bill Clinton's campaigning was important in how they decided to vote — and only 37 percent of those supported his wife, according to the CNN exit polls."

"This was a strong repudiation of the tactics that were employed here," Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, said after the television networks called the primary for Obama moments after polls closed at 7 p.m. But Obama — who had been punished by the press after losing amid high expectations in Nevada and New Hampshire — triumphed over low expectations set by recent polls, which suggested he could get as little as 10 percent of the white vote — putting him in Jackson's range.

In his victory speech, Obama made the case that his performance in early states proves his ability to unite the country. "We have the most votes, the most delegates and the most diverse coalition of Americans that we've seen in a long, long time," he said, as the crowd chanted, "Race doesn't matter."


Yes We

This song was written by artist after personally being inspired by Barack Obama. He has incorporated Obama's New Hampshire speech, and have teamed up with other celebrities, including Common, John Legend, Scarlett Johansen and others, to make this special song a great success.

In his own words, expresses when and why he decided to write the Yes We Can song.

"I was sitting in my recording studio watching the debates...
Torn between the candidates

I was never really big on politics...
and actually I'm still not big on politics...

The outcome of the last 2 elections has saddened me...
on how unfair, backwards, upside down, unbalanced, untruthful,
corrupt, and just simply, how wrong the world and "politics" are...

So this year i wanted to get involved and do all i could early...

And i found myself torn...
because this time it's not that simple...
our choices aren't as clear as the last elections ...
last time it was so obvious...
Bush and war
no Bush and no war...

But this time it's not that simple...
and there are a lot of people that are torn just like i am...

So for awhile I put it off and i was going to wait until it was decided for me...

And then came New Hampshire...

And i was captivated...


I reflected on my life...
and the blessings I have...
and the people who fought for me to have these rights and blessings...

and I'm not talking about a "black thing"
I'm talking about a "human thing" me as a "person"
an American...

That speech made me think of Martin Luther King...
and Lincoln...
and all the others that have fought for what we have today...

what America is "supposed" to be...

and truth...

and thats not what we have today...
we think we are free...
but in reality terror and fear controls our decisions...

this is not the America that our pioneers and leaders fought and
died for...

and then there was New Hampshire

it was that speech...
like many great speeches...
that one moved me...
because words and ideas are powerful...

It made me think...
and realize that today we have "very few" leaders...
maybe none...

but that speech...

it inspired me...
it inspired me to look inside myself and outwards towards the world...
it inspired me to want to change myself to better the world...
and take a "leap" towards change...
and hope that others become inspired to do the same...
change themselves..
change their greed...
change their fears...
and if we "change that"
"then hey"..
we got something right...???...

1 week later after the speech settled in me...
I began making this song...
I came up with the idea to turn his speech into a song...
because that speech affected and touched my inner core like nothing in a very long time...

it spoke to me...

because words and ideas are powerful...

I just wanted to add a melody to those words...
I wanted the inspiration that was bubbling inside me to take over...

so i let it..

I wasn't afraid to stand for something...
to stand for "change"...
I wasn't afraid of "fear"...
it was pure inspiration...

so I called my friends...
and they called their friends...
in a matter of 2 days...
We made the song and video...

Usually this process would take months...
a bunch of record company people figuring out strategies and release dates...
all that stuff...
but this time i took it in my own hands...
so i called my friends Sarah Pantera, Mike Jurkovac, Fred Goldring, and Jesse Dylan to help make it happen...
and they called their friends..
and we did it together in 48 hours...
and instead of putting it in the hands of profit we put it in the hands of inspiration...

then we put it on the net for the world to feel...

When you are truly inspired..
magic happens...
incredible things happen...
love happens..
(and with that combination)

"love, and inspiration"

change happens...

"change for the better"
Inspiration breeds change...

"Positive change"...

no one on this planet is truly experienced to handle the obstacles we face today...
Terror, fear, lies, agendas, politics, money, all the above...
It's all scary...

Martin Luther King didn't have experience to lead...
Kennedy didn't have experience to lead...
Susan B. Anthony...
Nelson Mandela...
Rosa Parks...
Anne Frank...
and everyone else who has had a hand in molding the freedoms we have and take for granted today...

no one truly has experience to deal with the world today...

they just need "desire, strength, courage ability, and passion" to change...
and to stand for something even when people say it's not possible...

America would not be here "today" if we didn't stand and fight for
change "yesterday"...
Everything we have as a "people" is because of the "people" who fought for
and whoever is the President has to realize we have a lot of changing to do

I'm not trying to convince people to see things how i do...
I produced this song to share my new found inspiration and how I've been moved...
I hope this song will make you feel...
and think...
and be inspired just like the speech inspired me...

that's all...

Let's all come together like America is supposed to...
Like Japan did after Hiroshima...

that was less than 65 years ago...
and look at Japan now...

they did it together...
they did it...

"We can't?...

Are you serious..?..


Yes we can...
A United "America"
Democrats, Republicans and Independents together...
Building a new America

We can do it...

Thank you for reading and listening..."

Source: Huffington Post